How do you feel about collaborative work? What are the challenges? The opportunities?

We, at CdM Porto, take it very seriously. In fact, for some time now that partnerships are – globally – a new model of doing business, or to reach a common goal. By attributing different responsibilities, according to each party specialisation, the main objectives are set – and often reached – much easier.

As a public entity, our common goal is to ensure that every person that resorts to our services potentiates his/her autonomy when actively searching for a job, employability skills and to help him/her maximize the chances of success within the job seeking process.

With this purpose in mind we often support a quality and reliable network of partners, that share the same vision and goals as we do.

In order to better manage our network of partners as to share our own views over the pre-established partnerships we are participating in Erasmus +: “Keep in Pact” project, as participants and as trainers.

According to the project plan, we set in place a pilot training for modules A (Developing and formalizing new partnerships) and D (Developing partners competencies in multi-stakeholder partnerships) of the competence framework. During the morning of the 15th of December we explored both modules, shared some views and discovered new tools and good practices.

And you? How are you going to set new partnerships or reinforce engagement with your pre-existing partners?


Article by Cités des métiers Porto (Keep in pact partner)